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Anitta Text

Code of Nesilim
Hittite Military Oath

The Proclamation of Anittas deals with events leading up to the founding of the Hittite state and is the earliest genuinely historical text found at Boğazköy.

The text inscribed on this clay tablet was the first document written in Hittite language. It is a copy of the original, written during the Hittite Imperial Period. Anitta was the son of Pithana and was a king of the city of Kussara (unidentified location). 13th century BC (the tablet was originally written in the 16th century BC), from Hattusa (Bogazkoy), in modern-day Turkey. (Museum of Archaeology, Istanbul, Turkey).

Starts here…

Anitta, Son of Pithana, King of Kussara, speak! He was dear to the Stormgod of Heaven, and when he was dear to the Stormgod of Heaven, the king of Nesa [verb broken off] to the king of Kussara. The king of Kussara, Pithana, came down out of the city in force, and he took the city of Nesa in the night by force. He took the King of Nesa captive, but he did not do any evil to the inhabitants of Nesa; instead, he made them mothers and fathers. After my father, Pithana, I suppresed a revolt in the same year. Whatever lands rose up in the direction of the sunrise, I defeated each of the aforementioned.

Previously, Uhna, the king of Zalpuwas, had removed our Sius from the city of Nesa to the city of Zalpuwas. But subsequently, I, Anittas, the Great King, brought our Sius back from Zalpuwas to Nesa. But Huzziyas, the king of Zalpuwas, I brought back alive to Nesa. The city of Hattusas [tablet broken] contrived. And I abandoned it. But afterwards, when it suffered famine, my goddess, Halmasuwiz, handed it over to me. And in the night I took it by force; and in its place, I sowed weeds. Whoever becomes king after me and settles Hattusas again, may the Stormgod of Heaven smite him!

Old Hittite: mA-ni-it-ta DUMU Pí-it-ḫa-a-na LUGAL URU Ku-uš-ša-ra QÍ-BỊ́-MẠ

German: Anitta, Sohn des Pitḫana, König von Kuššara, sprich(t):
English: Anitta, son of Pitḫana, King of Kuššara, speak(s):

DUMU, LUGAL, URU, QÍ-BỊ́-MẠ = Akkadogram or Sumerogram

1. mA-ni-it-ta DUMU Pí-it-ḫa-a-na LUGAL URU Ku-uš-ša-ra QÍ-BỊ́-MẠ

Anitta, Sohn des Pitḫana, König von Kuššara, sprich(t):
Anitta, son of Pitḫana, King of Kuššara, speak(s):

2. ne-pí-iš-za-aš-ta IŠKUR-un-ni a-aš-šu-uš ẹ-eš-ta

Dem Wettergott vom Himmel (?) war er lieb,
He was dear to the weather god of heaven (?),

3. na-as-ta IŠKUR-un-ni-ma ma-a-an a-as-su-us e-es-ta

und als er dem Wettergott aber lieb war,
and when he was dear to the weather god,

4. URU Ne-e-ša-aš LUGAL-uš URU Ku-uš-ša-ra-aš LUGAL-i

der König von Neša dem König von Kuššara
the king of Neša to the king of Kuššara

5. [LUG]AL URU Ku-uš-ša-ra URU-az kat-ta [pa-]an-ga-ri-it ụ́[-{it}

Der König von Kuššara [kam] aus der Stadt herab mit großer Macht,
The King of Kuššara, Pithana, came down out of the city in force,

6. [nu UR]UNe-e-ša-an iš-pa-an-di na-ak-ki-it dạ[-a-aš]

und nahm Neša in der Nacht mit Gewalt ein.
and he took the city of Neša in the night by force

7. [URU] Ne-e-ša-aš LUGAL-un IṢ-BAT Ú DUMU MEŠ URUNe-e-š[a-aš]

Den König von Neša ergriff er, von den Einwohnern Nešas aber
He took the King of Nesa captive, but for the inhabitants of Neša

8. [i-d]a-ạ-lụ na-at-ta ku-e-da-ni-ik-ki ták-ki-iš-ta

fügte er keinem Böses zu,
he did not do any evil to them,

9. [ ]× an-nu-uš at-tu-uš i-e-et

[sondern] machte [sie] zu Müttern (und) Vätern.
[but] (he) made them mothers (and) fathers.

10. [nu mPí-i]t-ḫa-a-na-aš at-ta-aš-ma-aš a-ap-pa-an ša-ni-i̯a ú-it-ti

Nach meinem Vater Pitḫana aber schlug ich im gleichen Jahr
After my father Pitḫana, I suppresed a revolt in the same year.

11. [ḫ]u-ụl-la-an-za-an ḫu-ul-la-nu-un UTU-az ut-ne-e

einen Aufstand nieder. Welches Land auch immer
Whatever lands(countries) rose up in the direction of the sunrise,

12. [ku-it k]u-it-pát a-ra-iš nu-uš ḫu-ụ-mạ-ạn-dụ-ụš-p[át ḫ]u-u[l-la-nu-u]n

sich erhob, sie alle schlug ich mit (Hilfe von) Šiu.
I defeated each of the aforementioned.

13. -]×-ma URỤỤl-lạm-mạ × ×

] die Stadt Ullamma [
] the city of Ullamma [

14. ]× a-ap-pa-ma LUGAL URUḪ[(a-at-ti ú-×)

] hinterher aber [ ] der König von Ḫatti [
] afterwards [ ] the king of Ḫatti [

15. ]×-tẹ-ẹ-eš-mi ḫu-ul-la-nu-un[

] bei/in der Stadt [ -]tešma schlug ich [
] at / in the town of [-]tešma, I suppressed [

16. URU [Ne-e-ša × [

nach Neša[
to the city of Neša

17. URU Ḫa[r-k]i-ụ́-na-an ḫa-an-ta-i-ši me-e-ḫ[u-ni

Die Stadt Ḫarkiuna [ ] während der Mittagshitze [
The city of Ḫarkiuna [ ] during the mid-day sun(at noon) [

18. URU [○ ○ ○]-ma-an iš-pa-an-di [na-ak(-ki-it EL-QÉ)]

Die Stadt [ -]ma nahm ich in der Nacht mit [Ge]walt ein,
I took the city [-]ma by force during the night,

19. URU × × × × x-an ḫa-an-ta-i-ši me-e-ḫu-n[i

die Stadt [ ] während der Mittagshitze [
the city of [ ] during the mid-day sun [

20. × × [n]e-pí-ša-aš IŠKUR-ni ḫa-ap-pa-re-e-nu-un[

Sie überantwortete ich dem Wettergott des Himmels [
I gave her over to the weather god of heaven (IŠKUR) [

21. [ ] IŠKUR-un-ni-i̯a a-ap-pa ḫa-×[-(ku-e-en)]

] und dem Wettergott [ ]ten wir wieder.
] and the weather god (IŠKUR), we'll return.

22. ku-i[(š a)]m-me-el a-ap-pa-an LUGAL-uš ki-i-ša-r[i

Wer nach mir König wird — [die Städte
Whoever becomes king after me - [the cities

23. ×-an URU Ḫar-ki-ú-na-an-na URU Ne-ẹ[-ša-aš(-)

und Ḫarkiuna soll von Neša
and Ḫarkiuna is said to come from Neša

24. a-a[p-pa] × × ku-iš-ki a-ša-a-ši URU Ne-ẹ[-ša-aš

[nie]mand wieder besiedeln, Neš[as
Nobody (will) settle again, Nešas

25. kụ-r[u-u]r ẹ-ẹš-tu nu a-pa-aš ut-ni-an-da-an ḫu-u-m[a-an-da-an]

Fei[nd] soll er sein, und jener soll der ganzen Bevölkerung
Enemy he should be, and that is to the entire population

26. ×[ ] ẹ-ẹš-tu nu UR.MAḪ-iš ma-a-an ut-n[e-e

F[eind] sein! Und wie ein Löwe das Lan[d
To be an enemy! And like a Lion of land

27. ×[ ]× ×-aḫ-zị-ma ku-i[t-k]i? nu-uš-ša-an [

]t aber etwas und darauf [
] but something and [

28. ]× × a-[š]a-a-ši na-an IŠKUR-ni [

] siedelt, den [ ] dem Wettergott [
] settle, [ ] the weather god (IŠKUR)[

29. × × × × × ×


30. ]a[(t-ta-a~-m)]a-aš a-ap-pa-an[

Nach meinem Vater [Pitḫana
After my father Pitḫana

31. ]URU Zạ-a-al-pu-aš a-r[(u-n)a-aš

] von Zalpuu̯a Me[er
from Zalpuu̯a sea

32. [URU Za-a-al-pu-a]š? a-ru-na-aš[

] von Zalpuu̯a Meer [
from Zalpuu̯a sea

33. ke-e ụd-d[a?-]a?-ar? [(tup-pi-i̯a-a)]z I-NA KÁ.GAL-I̥A ×[

Diese Worte auf einer Tafel in meinem Tor [
These words are on a board in my gate [

34. UR-RA-AM ŠE-R[A-AM] kị[-i tup-pí le-]ẹ ku-iš-ki ḫu-ul[(-li-e-ez-zi)]

In Zukunft soll [ni]emand die[se Tafel] zerschlagen!
In the future, no one will smash this tablet!

35. ku-i-ša-at ḫu-ul-li[-iz-zi] U[RUNe-e-š]ạ-ạš LÚKÚR-ŠU ẹ[-eš-tu]

Wer sie zerschlä[gt], so[ll] [Neš]as Feind sein!
Who smashes them, will be the Nešas' enemy!

36. ta-a-an nam-ma mPí-i-u-uš-ti-iš LUGAL [UR]UḪa-at-ti ú[-

Zum zweiten Mal k[am] dann Pii̯ušti, der König von Ḫatti,
For the second time came Pii̯ušti, the king of Ḫatti,

37. šar-di-aš-ša-an-na ku-in ú-u̯a-te-et šu-uš URỤŠạ-l[(am-p)í

und wen von seinen Helfem er mitgebracht hatte, die [ ich] bei Šalam[pa].
and if from his help he had brought with me, which I at Šalampa.

38. ut-ne-e ḫu-u-ma-an-da URUZa-al-pu-az an-da a-ru-na-ạz[

Alle Länder von Zalpuu̯a draußen vom Meer [
All countries of Zalpuu̯a outside the sea [

39. ka-ru-ú mU-uḫ-na-aš LUGAL URUZa-a-al-pu-u̯a DŠi-u-šum-m[i-in]

Vor Zeiten hatte Uḫna, der König von Zalpuu̯a, (die Statue) unseres Gottes Šiu
Previously, Uḫna, the king of Zalpuu̯a, had removed our god Šiu

40. URU Ne-eš-ša-az URU Za-a-al-pu-u̯a pe-e-d[a-aš]

von Neša nach Zalpuu̯a entführt,
from the city of Neša to the city of Zalpuu̯a,

41. [ap-pé-]ez-zi-i̯a-na mA-ni-it-ta-aš LUGAL.GAL DŠi-ú-šu[m(-mị-ịn)]

[hint]erher aber führte ich, Anitta, der Großkönig, (die Statue) unseres Gottes Šiu
But subsequently, I, Anittas, the Great King, brought our god Šiu

42. URU Za-a-al-pu-u̯a-az a-ap-pa URU Ne-e-ša pe-e[-taḫ-ḫu-un]

von Zalpuu̯a zurück nach Neša.
back from the city of Zalpuu̯a to the city of Neša.

43. [Ḫu-]uz-zi-i̯a-na LUGAL URUZa-a-al-p[u-u̯a] ḫu-š[u-u̯a-an-t/da-an]

Ḫuzzii̯a aber, den König von Zalpuu̯a, brachte ich le[bend]
But Huzziyas, the king of Zalpuwas, I brought back alive

44. URU Ne-e-ša ú-u̯a-te-nu-un URU Ḫa-at-tu-ša-× ×[

nach Neša. Die/der Stadt Ḫattuša aber [
to Neša. The city of Ḫattuša was done by [

45. [ta]k?-ki-iš-ta ša-an ta-a-la-aḫ-ḫu-un ma-a-na-aš [ ]

[fü]gte~ er [zu]. Ich (ver)ließ sie. Als sie (die Stadt)
And I abandoned it. But afterwards, when it (the city)

46. ạp-pé-ez-zi-i̯a-na ki-iš-ta-an-zi-at-ta-at ša-ạn ḫal-ma-š[u-it-ti]

hinterher aber Hunger litt, lieferte sie mein Gott Šiu
suffered famine, my goddess, Halmasuitti, handed it over to me.

47. Ši-i-uš-mi-iš pa-ra-a pa-iš ša-an iš-pa-an-di

der Throngöttin Ḫalmašuit aus, und in der Nacht
the goddess Ḫalmašuit went out. And in the night

48. na-ak-ki-it da-a-aḫ-ḫu-un pé-e-di-iš-ši-ma ZÀ.AḪ.LI-an a-ni-ẹ[-nu-un]

nahm ich sie mit Gewalt, an ihrer Stelle aber sä[te] ich Unkraut.
I took them by force, and in its place, I sowed weeds.

49. ku-iš am-me-el a-ap-pa-an LUGAL-uš ki-i-ša-r[i]

" Wer nach mir König wird
" Whoever becomes king after me

50. nu URU Ḫa-at-tu-ša-an a-ap-pa a-ša-a-š[i]

und Ḫattuša wieder besiedelt,
and resettles at Hattusas again,

51. na-an ne-pí-ša-aš DIŠKUR-aš ḫa-az-zi-e-e[t-tu]

den soll der Wettergott des Himmels treffen !
May the Stormgod of Heaven smite him!

52. URU Ša-la-ti-u̯a-ra me-e-ni-im-me-et ne-e-eḫ[-ḫu-un]

Mein Antlitz wandte ich der Stadt Šalatiu̯ara zu.
I turned my face to the city of Šalatiu̯ara.

53. ỤRỤŠạ-la-ti-u̯a-ra-ša me-e-na-aḫ-ḫa-an-da GIŠtu-ụ?-×[-

Die Stadt Šalatiu̯ara aber führte (zog) ihre Truppen aus der Stadt [
However, the city of Šalatiu̯ara led (withdrew) its troops from the city [

54. [URU-ri-a]z ERÍNMEŠ-ŠU ḫu-it-ti-i̯a-ti ša-an URUNe-e-š[(a pe-e-ḫu-t)e-nu-un]

(mir) entgegen, und ich brachte sie nach Neša.
(to me), and I brought it to Neša.

55. nu URUNe-e-ši URUDIDLI ú-e-te-nu-un URU-i̯a-an a-a[p(-pa)]

Und in Neša befestigte ich die Stadt. Nach der Stadt(befestigung)
And in Neša I will fix the city. After the city fortification

56. ne-pí-ša-aš DIŠKUR-na-aš É-ir Ù É DŠi-u[-na-šu(m-mi-ịn AB-NI)]

baute ich einen Tempel für den Wettergott und einen Tempel für unseren Gott Šiu.
I built a temple for the weather god of the sky and a temple for our god Šiu.

57. É Ḫal-ma-šu-it-ta-aš É IŠKUR-na-ạš [(BE-LI-i̯a Ù É Ši-u-na-šum-mi-iš AB-NI)]

Einen Tempel für Ḫalmašuit, einen Tempel für den Wettergott, meinen Herrn, und einen Tempel für unseren Gott Šiu baute ich.
I (also) built a temple for Ḫalmašuit, a temple for the weather god, my lord, and a temple for our god Šiu.

58. KASKAL-za ku-it a-aš-šu ú-taḫ-ḫ[u-un (a-pe-e-da-an-da ḫa-liš-ši-i̯a-nu-un)]

Welches Gut ich von den Feldzügen heimbrachte, damit stattete ich [sie] aus.
Whatever goods I brought home from the campaigns, I launched (utilised) [it].

59. nu ma-a-al-taḫ-ḫu-un nu [(ḫu-u-u̯a-ar)-taḫ-ḫu-un]

Und ich sprach ein Gelübde und sprach einen Fluch.
And I made a vow and spoke a curse.

60. ša-ni-i̯a ši-u̯a-at [(II UR.MAḪ LXX ŠAḪ LX ŠAḪ GIŠ)]

Am selben Tag brachte ich 2 Löwen,
On the same day, I brought 2 lions,


120 Wildtiere??, seien es Leoparden, seien es Löwen, seien es Hirsche,
120 wild animals, maybe leopards, maybe lions, maybe deer,

62. LU-Ú DÀRA Ú-LU)[ .T(UR)]

seien es Steinböcke, seien es [
maybe ibexes(goat), maybe [

63. URU Ne-e-š[(a A-NA URU-I̥A u-da-aḫ-ḫu-un)]

nach Neša in meine Stadt
to Neša, in my city

64. ú-e-et-tạ[(-an-da-an-ni-eš-ši-ma) URUŠa-la-ti-u̯a-r(a za-aḫ-ḫi-i̯aa pa-a-un)]

Noch im selben Jahr zog ich gegen [ ] [Šalatiu̯a]ra zu Felde.
In the same year, I fighted against [] Šalatiu̯ara to field.

65. LÚ URU Ša-l[(a-ti-Au̯a-ra QA-DU DUMU-ŠÚ a-ra-a-i)š (-)a(n-da)]

Der Mann von Šalatiu̯ara machte sich zusammen mit seinen Söhnen auf und ging [
The man of Šalatiu̯ara got together with his sons and left [

66. ú-e-et K[(UR-e-še-et Ú URULIM-ŠU da-a-li-iš)]

[ent]gegen; sein Land und seine Stadt (ver)ließ er,
on the opposite; he left his country and his city,

67. nu Ḫ[(u-u-la-an-na)]-a[(n IṢ-BAT)]

und er besetzte den Fluß Ḫulanna.
and he occupied the river Ḫulanna.

68. URU Ne-e[- E(GIR-pa-an ar-ḫa pa-it)]

Ne[šas ] umging [ihn]
Nešas bypassed it

69. nu URU-ŠU [(lu-uk-ki-it a-pu-u-uš-ša an)-da

und zündete seine Stadt an, und [ ] jene ei[n],
and lit his city, and [] those

70. URU-ri-i̯a[-an ḫ(u-la-le-eš-šar-še-et I LI-IM IV ME ERÍN)]

die Einschließung der Stadt (bestand in) 1400 Fußtruppen,
the enclosure of the city (consisted in) 1400 Infantry,


und 40 Pferdegespanne, Si[lber (und) Gold
and 40 horse warrior(chariots), silver (and) gold

72. a-pa-ša [(ḫu-it-ti-it-ti ša-aš i-i̯a-an-ni-eš)]

jener aber hatte (mit)geführt, und er war (davon)gegangen.
but that one had led, and he had left.

73. ma-a-an × × [ (la-aḫ-ḫa pa-a-un)]

Als ich [ ] in den Kampf zog,
When I [] went into battle,

74. nu LÚ URUPu-ru-š-ḫa-a[(n-da kat-ti-mi ḫe-en-ku-m)u-uš

[brachte] der Mann von Purušḫanda Geschenke zu mir,
the man of Purušḫanda [brought] gifts to me,

75. šū-mu I GIŠŠÚ.A AN.BAR I PA.GAM AN.BAR [(ḫé-en-gur ú-da-aš)]

und zwar brachte er mir einen Thron aus Eisen und ein Szepter aus Eisen als Geschenk.
He brought me a throne of iron and a scepter of iron as a gift.

76. ma-a-an a-ap-pa-ma URU Ne-e-ša [ú-u̯a-n(u-un)]

Als ich aber zurück nach Neša [k]am,
But when I came back to Neša,

77. nụ LÚ URU Pu-ru-uš-ḫa-an-da kat-tim-mi [(pe-e-ḫu-te-nu-un)]

führte ich den Mann von Purušḫanda mit mir
I led the man from Purušḫanda with me

78. mạ-a-an tu-un-na-ki-iš-na-ma pa-iz-zi a-p[(a-a-ša)]

Sobald er aber ins (Thron)gemach (B: nach Zalpa) geht, wird jener aber
As soon as he goes into throne chamber, everyone will

79. pẹ́-ẹ-ra-am-mi-it ku-un-na-az e-ša-ri

sich vor mich zur Rechten setzen.
sit in front of me to the right.


Anitta, Son of Pithana, King of Kussara, speak! He was dear to the Stormgod of Heaven, and when he was dear to the Stormgod of Heaven, the king of Nesa [verb broken off] to the king of Kussara. The king of Kussara, Pithana, came down out of the city in force, and he took the city of Nesa in the night by force. He took the King of Nesa captive, but he did not do any evil to the inhabitants of Nesa; instead, he made them mothers and fathers.

After my father, Pithana, I suppresed a revolt in the same year. Whatever lands rose up in the direction of the sunrise, I defeated each of the aforementioned.Previously, Uhna, the king of Zalpuwas, had removed our Sius from the city of Nesa to the city of Zalpuwas. But subsequently, I, Anittas, the Great King, brought our Sius back from Zalpuwas to Nesa. But Huzziyas, the king of Zalpuwas, I brought back alive to Nesa. The city of Hattusas [tablet broken] contrived. And I abandoned it. But afterwards, when it suffered famine, my goddess, Halmasuwiz, handed it over to me. And in the night I took it by force; and in its place, I sowed weeds. Whoever becomes king after me and settles Hattusas again, may the Stormgod of Heaven smite him!

Der Anitta-Text, Wiesbaden 1974 (Studien zu den Boğazköy-Texten, 18)

anteanus/anitta_text.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/01 11:42 (external edit)