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Code of Urukagina

Enheduanna Hymns

The code of Urukagina (2,380-2,360 BC) no actual copy of law survives however is known to have existed by its reference in the later codes such as…

  • Cuneiform law (2,350-1,400 BC) - refers to any of the legal codes written in cuneiform script.
  • Code of Ur-Nammu, king of Ur (ca. 2050 BC) - Earliest code of which fragments have been discovered. The code speaks of witchcraft and the flight of slaves.
  • Laws of Eshnunna (ca. 1930 BC) - sometimes ascribed to king Bilalama.
  • Code of Lipit-Ishtar (ca. 1870 BC) - With a typical epilogue and prologue, the law deals with penalties, the rights of man, right of kings, marriages, and more.
  • Babylonian laws / Code of Hammurabi (ca. 1790 BC) - the most preserved of the ancient laws. Discovered in December 1901, it contains over 282 paragraphs of text, not including the prologue and epilogue.

Other Ancient code of laws…

  • Hittite laws (ca. 1650–1100 BC)
  • Code of Nesilim (c. 1650-1500 BC)
  • Assyrian laws / Code of the Assura (c. 1075 BC)
  • The Draconian constitution (7th century BC)
  • Twelve Tables of Roman Law (451 BC)
  • Gortyn code (5th century BC)
  • Edicts of Ashoka of Buddhist Law (269-236 BC)
  • Law of Manu (ca. 200 BC)
  • Corpus Juris Civilis (Justinian code) (529 to 534 AD)
anteanus/code_of_urukagina.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/01 11:40 (external edit)